Vienna Duo
I'm also looking forward to working with a pretty nice guy here, an some commercial projects, he's pretty tallented, andi i think it's gonna come out pretty well. I actually have to get back to work for the project, so wish me luck =)
I'm also looking forward to working with a pretty nice guy here, an some commercial projects, he's pretty tallented, andi i think it's gonna come out pretty well. I actually have to get back to work for the project, so wish me luck =)
I moved about two months here in Vienna. It's pretty cool and it's like a start over for me. There's so much stuff to put in order, I've rented a flat that kind of starts to feel like home now. There's so much to do, it's great! I've found a new job and a bunch of pretty cool new firends, i'll introduce them to you later some day =) I promise i'll keep in touch more!
Господ да благослови България, понеже тя направи първия си трезв избор от епохи насам.
God Bless Bulgaria, for she has chosen wisely for the first time in a long time....
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